Be prepared when you go on driving during this raya!!!
1 Check The Car
This is the most important tip. Check the tyre tread depth, tyre pressure, spare wheel and tools, wiper blades, headlights and tailights, and all fluid levels, including engine oil and coolant. Or just send your car to the nearest workshop to have it done.
2 Plan The Route
Plan the entire route, taking in account rest stops, toilet breaks, petrol fill-ups, meal breaks, sightseeing, shopping destinations and the final stop at your hometwon. Remember to take into account possible traffic situations and the availability of parking.
3 Plan For Emergencies
Always have a torchlight, pen, notepad, and emergency roadside kit, which you can purchase from many automoive supermarkets and shops. In it, you can find rugged jumper cables, a first-aid kit and a host or other items, which will come in useful during an emergency.
4 Start Earlier, Or Later
It's the festives season and there will be hundreds of like-minded families and groups heading to the same destinations. An early start (6am or earlier) and late one (after 5pm) should see you avoiding the super-long tailback at the highway.
5 Pack Your Stuff
Pack and load up he night before at the very latest. Try to spread the load evenly and secure everything - someone could be injured if you brake sharply. Keep things in bags and cases, so that you can reach the spare wheel easily should you need to.
6 Food And Snacks
Of course, you can make stops along the way, but keeping a few bottles of water and packets of snacks is always a great idea. They keep everyone hydrated and sufficiently contented until the next meal stop.
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